This page contains a list of planned features or changes.

  • Add support for building packages inside a chroot, with Mock or Iurt.

  • Add support for workspace containing only one project, with everything in the root directory (when the projects_dir value is not set).

  • When no project name is given on command line, detect the project to use with the current working directory.

  • Add a test command. After building packages, this run some integration tests on the packages. This works on packages, or other files created by the build command.

  • Add an install command, to install the package that has been built.

  • Make the d template variable a function that returns the distro config option value. Make it possible to override distro config in a project’s config.

  • Add a pkg template function that take a generic package name as argument, and return a distro specific package name. To do this, it will use the first undef value after trying in the following order :

    • if the config option distributions/[distro]/packages is a hash, then return the value with generic package name as key

    • if the config option distributions/[distro]/packages is a string, then use it as the package name. You could do an exec in this option, if you want to use a script to convert the package name.

    • return the same package name

  • Write default templates for perl, python, ruby modules, and plugins to generate config file for modules with infos from CPAN, Python package index, Ruby gems, etc … This should make it possible to create a package for any supported distribution, for a perl, python, ruby module with a single command.